Why You Should Shop Local In Newtown PA

Why You Should Shop Local In Newtown PA

Shopping local is one of the best things you can do for your community and local economy. As a small business local to Newtown, PA, we wanted to share with you some of the best reasons for shopping local, as well as a sampling of our favorite small businesses in Newtown.

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Does My Kitchen or Bath Need Upgrades or a Remodel?

Does My Kitchen or Bath Need Upgrades or a Remodel?

Two of the rooms most likely to be updated or remodeled in homes are the kitchen and the bath. Let's face it; most bedrooms are fairly bland as far as being four walls and a ceiling, and except for a nice light fixture, most of what you can do with those rooms is in terms of furnishings and décor. The kitchen and bathrooms, though, are another matter.

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