10 Signs It’s Time to Remodel Your Bathroom

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Whether you love a good remodeling project or you simply wonder if your current bathroom is crying for help, there are so many ways that you can tell if your bathroom is truly in need of a serious overhaul. Remodeling can be a very involved process, filled with plenty of ideas, twists, and turns, but it can also be fun to figure out how to make an old space fit the new needs you have for it.

bath design with freestanding tub

If you’re thinking about a remodel for any reason, it could be a good idea to look into the possibilities. Of course, remodeling isn’t all-or-nothing, and it’s a personal choice at the end of the day. However, some of these details might just serve to be the little nudge you need to get started. Here are a few signs that it’s time to remodel your bathroom.


Although leaks can mean a variety of different things, any kind of seeping water can be an issue when it comes to the interior of your bathroom. Whether you have a leaky faucet, a leaky showerhead, or leaks in the piping underneath the sinks, it’s important to get those things checked out and perhaps even overhaul the situation if you’re noticing consistent issues. If things don’t seem to improve, make sure you call in a professional that you trust.

2. Breakage

Another common reason why you might want to take a look at a remodel is the simple issue of things breaking in your bathroom. This can come with time and age, so it makes sense that this will become an issue for most people who own homes. If you notice even small things going amiss, you might want to take a look at how you can create a bit more longevity in your home.

3. Chipping or Peeling

Similar to things leaking or breaking in your bathroom, decor features or fixtures that chip or peel need to be replaced, often sooner rather than later. For example, paint, wallpaper, and countertops with dents are definitely in need of a bit of refurbishing. When your countertops start to show blemishes, especially, you might want to consider refinishing or replacing them with new ones.

4. Poor Lighting

If your bathroom is poorly lit, there’s actually a lot you can do about that issue. Although it might not take a ton of remodeling, you can absolutely replace some of the light fixtures and light sources within your bathroom so that you can have a better space to get ready every day. Nobody likes to do their makeup or fix their hair in dim yellow light, and you shouldn’t have to either.

bath design with floating vanity

Whether your renovations involve bringing in more natural light or simply replacing some of the fixtures, poor lighting is definitely a sign that you might want to check out a remodel.

5. Changing Needs

This might not be a factor for the bathroom itself, but instead a feature of your life and the way it changes what you need out of your home. Specifically, if you find that your needs from your bathroom are changing, it’s only natural to want to change the bathroom’s accoutrements to go along with it.

Whether your family is growing, you’re switching bedrooms around, or you need additional accommodations that aren’t present in your current bathroom, you should be able to remodel to fit the needs of your life.

6. Lack of Storage

Another reason why you might want to consider renovating your bathroom is a lack of storage. Storage is really important, from medicine cabinets to shelving, to places you can hang your towels. Although that might be fine in a bathroom when you first move in somewhere, things can get difficult relatively quickly, especially as you continue to accumulate possessions and require more space for things.

And while you can renovate for more storage solutions, there are plenty of ways to add storage options without having to tear down walls, such as shelving and hooks. Especially when it comes to older homes, this can sometimes be a larger issue.

7. Outdated Color Schemes

This one is a bit more aesthetically focused, but it definitely is a part of your home’s landscape, and it can impact your experience in your space. Whether you live in an older home or simply have some dated paint or wallpaper up on your walls, updating the color scheme of your bathroom can be a fairly easy remodel, but it can definitely change the environment for the better.

8. Lack of Space

As opposed to a lack of storage, you might also be dealing with a lack of space in your bathroom. This often comes along with older homes and smaller homes in general. If you realize that you and your family need a little bit more elbow room, you might want to look into expanding your space.

bath design with freestanding tub

Whether this involves knocking out a few walls, building a larger shower, or figuring out another way to maneuver space into your bathroom, you can call in a trusted professional to help you get the job done.

9. You’re Looking to Sell

In general, it’s always a good idea to bring in a little bit of new energy if you’re looking to sell your home. Specifically, bathrooms, kitchens, and other high-profile areas of the home tend to add the most value when they sport up-to-date features.

Even if you personally wouldn’t change a thing about your bathroom, it can be worthwhile to look into updating things if you know that your home will be hitting the market sometime soon.

10. You Want to Go Green

Many people care about the environment, and if that sounds like something you want to bring into your home, you can absolutely remodel your bathroom to go a bit greener. While some of these fixes are involved and internal, there are plenty of little updates you can do all around your bathroom to go greener along the way. Things like low-flow sinks and water-conserving showerheads can be great for this purpose.

Remodeling Your Bathroom

At the end of the day, choosing to remodel any space within your home is all about personal preference and feeling the push to change things up. Whether you want a little bit more space in your bathroom, you’re thinking about selling your home, or you feel the push to save some water for the planet, there are plenty of reasons to find the motivation to get that remodel started.