6 Kitchen Remodel Ideas To Spruce Up Any Space

Whether it’s for entertainment or getting dinner ready for the family, the kitchen is one of the most essential rooms in the house. It’s an inviting space that allows for the enjoyment of food and conversation, and a special place requires special treatment. Upgrading your kitchen can seem like an overwhelming task, but it doesn’t have to be! With some unique touches and clever renovation techniques, your kitchen can transform into the aesthetically pleasing space you’ve always wanted it to be. 

green kitchen cabinets


One of the first things you notice in the kitchen is the cabinets. Whether it’s the upper or lower cabinets, they set the tone and represent the style choice of the entire room. If you’re looking to make your kitchen appear larger, look into installing wooden or white-colored cabinets. These give the illusion of more space with their lighter and softer tones. If maximizing your space is your main goal, you can also install slimmer cabinets that allow for more floor space. However, know that slimmer cabinets will slightly reduce your storage space. If you want to make a statement, try finding a bold color scheme that catches the eye or maybe a sleeker, more sophisticated design with textures and glass panels on the cabinet doors.


Countertops offer a unique look and functionality that add to the overall quality of your kitchen. If you’re looking to upgrade your countertops for a new renovation, invest in quality materials such as granite or marble. Low-quality materials will save you money, but having something more substantial can increase the lifespan of your countertops. You’ll have to replace cheaper materials sooner and more often, costing you more money later down the road. Avoid some common remodeling mistakes by taking advantage of higher-quality materials that provide a more durable surface. Having these stronger surfaces will allow the countertops to withstand chips, scratches, dents, and other types of damage that could require replacing the countertops altogether. Not only are these materials more durable, but they’re also beautiful and keep their like-new appearance for a longer period of time. 

kitchen with white cabinets


If your space allows it, adding an island can help provide a unique design feature to the room while also improving the functionality of your kitchen. An island can help add storage space, act as a food prep station, be used as a buffet when entertaining guests, or be utilized for other cooking tasks. An island also creates a sense of luxury without breaking the bank, acting as a centerpiece that draws in anyone who steps into the kitchen. In some situations, the island can house appliances such as under-counter microwaves and even include a sink and cooktops, depending on how much money you’re willing to spend. The design options are endless, so find something that fits your budget, design preferences, and the overall style of the kitchen. 


Nothing says brand new like stainless steel. Not only do stainless steel appliances give off a sense of luxury and offer sleek designs, but they also are more durable, reliable, and easier to clean than their iron and steel grate counterparts. Stainless steel offers a neutral look that can complement almost any kitchen design. So no matter what color scheme or design choices you go with, the appliances will blend accordingly. Stainless steel appliances offer a non-porous, germ-resistant surface, and resist stains and rust buildup for the messiest chefs. While these new appliances last longer than the majority, investing in an additional safeguard like a home warranty can help protect your new kitchen appliances, giving you peace of mind if anything is damaged or breaks down over time. Consider smart technology when investing in new appliances. Some of the benefits of these smart appliances include controlling them from your phone, being alerted when timers are done, preheating the oven before you get home, and optimizing your energy consumption. 

white subway tile backsplash


A tile backsplash is a functional and attractive addition you can make to your kitchen that won’t be tough on your wallet. A tile backsplash is a very accessible upgrade as the cost is low and the installation is quick and easy. You can custom-fit your tiles to match the color scheme of your kitchen, adding an eye-popping element that’s sure to get people talking. Not only are they aesthetically pleasing, but they also add a layer of protection to your walls. The main purpose of a backsplash is to protect your walls from any accidental spills or splashes while using the sink or cooking on the stove. Maintenance is low and the surfaces can be easily washed away with cleaning supplies and a rag. Accidents are bound to happen, so having this protective layer can help preserve your walls and save them from any potential damage.

kitchen design with pendant lights


Lighting is often overlooked when remodeling your kitchen, but it’s actually one of the most important elements! Creating a lighting plan in your kitchen design phase can help alleviate stress and make the entire renovation go smoother. A kitchen is a dangerous place with plenty of sharp objects and other hazardous tools. Having the proper lighting can ensure your safety when preparing a meal by providing a bright workspace to help avoid any kitchen nightmares. When choosing your kitchen lighting, accent lighting can be used to highlight decorative features of your kitchen and draw attention to specific areas. General lighting, on the other hand, can be used to ensure the space over your island and larger areas are all illuminated properly. If you like to entertain, having some warm lighting can help the space feel more inviting and keep your guests fixed on your beautiful new kitchen additions. 

Upgrading your kitchen can feel like an overwhelming task, but having the right plan and budget can help get rid of some of the stress. Spending a little bit more money on quality materials and appliances can help the longevity of your kitchen and reduce the chance of wear and tear down the road. Find your ideal kitchen design and start planning your new kitchen today!