How to Make Your Home Senior Friendly: 7 Tips to Consider

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Making your home senior-friendly is a great way to help aging parents transition more easily into your home. Often, aging parents find it difficult to live on their own and may need more assistance than before. Making a few simple changes to your home can make the transition much easier for everyone involved. Let's discuss some tips on how to make your home safe and comfortable for aging parents.

two people holding hands

1. Provide Secure Lifting and Transferring

As we age, it becomes more difficult to lift and transfer our loved ones. This can be dangerous and result in injury. Luckily, there are a few ways to help make this process easier and safer.

Using a transfer belt can help you lift your aging parent from a chair or bed. You may also want to invest in a Hoyer Lift. This is a device that helps lift and transfer seniors with limited mobility.

In addition to lifting devices, you should also create a secure path between rooms. This will help prevent falls and make it easier to move your aging parent around the house. Be sure to clear any obstacles from the floor so your parents can travel in a mobility scooter freely. Use non-slip mats in high-traffic areas.

2. Prevent Falls

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that one out of every four adults aged 65 years or older falls each year. Falls are the leading cause of both fatal and nonfatal injuries among seniors.

However, falls can often be prevented with a few simple changes. This is especially important for seniors with limited mobility who are at a higher risk. Installing grab bars in the bathroom and handrails on stairs can help prevent falls. You may also want to remove any area rugs or other trip hazards from your home.

In addition to physical changes, you can also help prevent falls by keeping your aging parent active and engaged. Exercise helps to improve balance and strength, and can reduce the risk of falling. Be sure to encourage your aging parents to stay active and participate in activities they enjoy.

3. Remodel Your Bathroom

A senior-friendly bathroom is one that is safe and easy to use. You may need to make some changes to your bathroom design to make it more accessible for the elderly. For example, as mentioned above you should install grab bars throughout the bathroom and a shower seat. You should also consider accessible fixtures in your bathroom design plans.

If you have the budget, you can remodel your entire bathroom to make it more senior-friendly. This includes widening doorways, adding levered handles, and installing a walk-in tub.

Making your home senior-friendly doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. With a few simple changes, you can create a safe and comfortable environment for your aging parent.

4. Make Access to Food and Water Safe

Keep your parents' essential goods within reach and ensure that there are no trip hazards by making your kitchen design senior-friendly too. Ensure that your aging parent can reach everything they need, including the items stored in high cabinets. You may also want to install a ramp or stairlift to make it easier for them to get around.

You should also think about their diet and nutrition. As we age, our bodies change and we need different types of foods. Make sure your parents are eating healthy foods appropriate to their needs. Prepare meals for them and stock their pantry with healthy snacks.

It’s also important to stay hydrated as we age. Install a water filtration system so your parents always have access to clean water. You may also want to get a water dispenser for their home.

5. Consider Cozy Bedroom Designs

The bedroom should be a place where your parents can relax and get a good night’s sleep. Make sure the room is quiet and dark. Install blackout curtains or shades to block any light. You may also want to invest in a comfortable mattress and bedding.

Think about the furniture in the room as well. Is it easy for your parents to get in and out of bed? Can they reach their nightstand? If not, you may want to rearrange the furniture or get new pieces that are more senior-friendly.

Make sure your parents can get in bed on their own. If they need help, install a bed rail. This will give them something to grab onto so they can pull themselves up. Alternatively, consider setting a mattress lower to the ground. This will make it easy for your parents to get in and out of bed, and if they fall the risk of injury is lower.

You may also want to install a stairlift or an elevator if your parents live in a multi-level home so they don’t have to worry about stairs. If your parents are used to sleeping in a recliner, get one for their room. That way, they can sleep in a comfortable position whenever they want.

6. Provide Solid Lighting

Think about the lighting in your home. Is it bright enough for your parents to see? If not, install additional lighting or get light bulbs with a higher wattage. You may also want to add a nightlight in the hallway and the bathroom. That way, your parents can see if they need to get up in the middle of the night.

Make sure there's enough natural light, and that your parents open the curtains and blinds during the day. This will help them to feel more awake and alert.

7. Prepare an Emergency Kit for Seniors

You should also have an emergency kit for seniors available at home. This can include items like a first-aid kit, medications, and a list of emergency contacts. You may also want to include a flashlight and extra batteries. Keep the kit in a place where your parents can easily find it.

Your parents should know who to call if they need urgent help, and they should have your contact information at hand. Also, consider a "safe room" in your home. This is a room where your parents can go in case of an emergency. The room should have a lock on the door and a telephone.


Making your home senior-friendly doesn't have to be difficult. With a few simple changes, you can make sure that your elderly family members are comfortable and safe in their new environment. Doing some research and making a few adjustments will ensure that your place is secure and everyone can enjoy day-to-day life.